This directory lists important contemporary archives and research institutions dedicated to Jewish history. You can browse by country, and also read brief write-ups on a number of the most significant archival repositories and institutions.
If there is an archive you would like us to add to the directory, please fill out this online form.
- North America
- Israel/Palestine
- Europe and the UK
- Latin America and South America
- Middle East and North Africa
- South Africa
- Australia and New Zealand
Highlighted Archives
You can also read brief write-ups on the history and holdings of some of the most significant archives for Jewish history. It is, of course, not feasible to create a comprehensive encyclopedic resource (for now!) but it is our hope that the directory and these write-ups will offer useful information for those who are pursuing research in Jewish archives, and who are interested in their history.
- United States
- The Center for Jewish History (New York City) and some of its partner institutions:
- The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (Cincinnati)
- The Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive at USC
- The Fortunoff Archive of Holocaust Testimonies at Yale
- Israel/Palestine
- Germany
- Centrum Judaicum (Berlin)
- Zentralarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (Central Archive for the Study of the History of Jews in Germany, Heidelberg)
- France
- Great Britain
- Anglo-Jewish Archives at the University of Southampton
- The Wiener Library
- Poland
- Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma (ŻIH, the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw)
- Looted Jewish records and archives in Russia